Sunday, March 7, 2010

One Month

So, this post has been in the works for at least a week now, if not longer, but I've struggled to find hands-free time to finish it. As a result, the title is a bit inaccurate now - Asher is closer to six weeks old than one month now. I'm not going to change it, though, as many of the pictures below are from around the time he was one month old.

I'm amazed at how Asher has grown and changed in the weeks his been outside the womb. He looks less and less like a newborn every day, perhaps in part because he's put on so much weight - he was 10 pounds, 12 ounces when we were at the pediatrician last week. He's starting to spend a little more time awake and alert, and can focus on faces, toys, etc. We're watching for smiles, and I think I got a few real ones this morning, though it can be hard to tell for sure in the beginning. In addition to all the fun changes, he's also having more fussy periods, especially in the evening, though for the most part we can still comfort him relatively easily (I've only had one evening of walking endless circles in the living room so far).

The most memorable event of the last few weeks was the five days we spent without electricity after a serious wind storm knocked down a tree and three electric poles on our street. We're fortunate to have a wood burning stove in our basement family room, which kept that room warm even as the temperatures in the rest of the house plummeted. Being cooped up without windows got old fast, though, as did our lack of hot water, so we spent a lot of time taking advantage of the university. Poor Asher got trucked around quite a bit.

Lately, the weather has been unusually gorgeous here in Maine - the temperatures have even gotten into the fifties a few times, which is unheard of for the beginning of March in our northern state. I've gotten Asher out for plenty of fresh air and sunshine, which I think is incredibly helpful for both of us.

Scroll down to find some recent pictures. I'll try to post with more soon...

The bouncy seat is Asher's favorite place to sleep (other than in someone's arms).
Sending birthday wishes to Auntie Nomi in South Africa.

The necklace I'm wearing contains a little bit of Noah's ashes. Asher likes to hold on to it, and this picture reminds me of how blessed I am by my two boys.

Asher had some professional pictures taken during the power outage, so we had to get him bathed somehow. Mark heated up water on the wood stove and called this Asher's "turn of the century bath."

Just hanging out in front of the fire - he likes to put his leg over the side of the changing pad.

Asher LOVES watching the flames - we had the quietest diaper changes ever when he was in front of the stove.

Another shot of Asher watching the fire.

I liked the angle of this picture.

All dressed up in his puppy sweater and little shoes.

Cuddling with Daddy.

Spending some time playing on the floor.

Tummy time!

An almost smile - you can start to see the dimple in his cheek with this one.

A good one of the double chins - he's obviously an enthusiastic eater.

Looking at the camera.

Chillin' in his "Mallow Out Dude" t-shirt - thanks, Aunt Molly!
Showing off his Packers shoes - another gift from Aunt Molly. The shoes aren't as big as they appear in this perspective...

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