Monday, July 5, 2010

Update Two: April

Before I start with the April update, I should probably clarify a statement from my last post. As my brother so astutely pointed out, it could appear as if I was implying time spent with Mark is "mundane" and "sucks the minutes out of my days." Anyone who knows us well probably figured out that was not my intentionat all - inf act, if I enjoyed spending time with Mark a little less, perhaps I would get more done. I don't think that would be healthy for our marriage, though, so I will continue to give Mark a high spot on my priority list.

April was a busy month for us as we spent the first two weeks in Ohio celebrating Easter and then participating in my baby brother's wedding (sorry Sam - no matter how old and married you get, you'll alwasy be my baby brother). We arrived a few days before Easter and Mark's parents, sister, brother-in-law and two nieces met us in Athens so they could be with us for the holiday and, more importantly, meet Asher for the first time. In fact, Asher met quite a few family members for the first time - two grandparents, three aunts, three uncles, two cousins and a great-grandmother, and that doesn't even count all of the additional relatives he met the next weekend at the wedding. We were on the go for most of those two weeks, but Asher took it all in stride. He even let us dress him up in an adorable little outfit for the wedding that came complete with a vest and tie (thanks, Molly).

As is the case most of the time in our lives now, the happy moments were tinged with a bit of sadness. Watching Asher interact with the different family members made me wonder what it would have been like to introduce Noah to everyone for the first time. I also felt Noah's absence sharply as Iwatched my brother get married. I was so aware of the red-headed toddler who should have been there, entertaining everyone with his antics and welcoming his new aunt into the family with a big hug. No matter how much time passes and how many living children we have, I will always miss my firstborn intensely.

I'll let the pictures tell the rest of the story. I used Shutterfly to create an album this time instead of uploading everything through Blogger - it seemed to be an easier way to share more pictures. However, I keep getting an error message when I try to post. I think you can click on the "Click here to view these pictures larger" link below the Shutterfly box to see the pictures, though - let me know if that's not true. I'll upload this installment's recent picture the normal way, though. Here it is:

Asher modeling hsi "Lil' Tool Guy" shirt - the toolbox says "Granson" and my dad has a matching one that has "Granpa" on the toolbox.

Click here to view these pictures larger

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